Transfer Degree

Associate of Arts-Elementary Teacher Education

Degree Type
Associate of Arts
Award Name
Award Code
M_AA_AA_EMTD (Approved: 8/7/15; Effective: Fall 2015; Revised August 2020)
Financial Aid Eligibility
Program approved for financial aid
Program Description

This is a Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement in Elementary Teacher Education for an Associate of Arts Degree with Designation (DwD) from Morgan Community College for students planning to transfer to a Bachelor’s Degree from one of these Colorado Public Four-year institutions:  

  • Adams State University [B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies]
  • Colorado Mesa University [B.A. Liberal Arts]
  • Colorado Mountain College [B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies]
  • Colorado State University-Pueblo [B.S. Liberal Studies]
  • Fort Lewis College [B.A. Elementary Education]
  • Metropolitan State University of Denver [B.A. Human Development; B.A. Elementary Education]
  • University of Colorado Boulder [B.A. Elementary Education]
  • University of Colorado-Colorado Springs [B.A. Inclusive Elementary Education; B.A. Biology, B.A. English Literature, B.A. Geography and Environmental 
    Studies, B.A. History or B.A. Spanish]
  • University of Colorado Denver [B.A. Education and Human Development – Elementary Education]
  • University of Northern Colorado [B.A. Elementary Education]
  • Western Colorado University [B.A. Elementary Education, CLD emphasis] 

Program is designed for students wanting to complete the first 2 years of a bachelor's degree at the community college and transfer to a university to complete a BA with licensure in Elementary Teacher Education.  Elementary Teacher careers require a bachelor's degree. The Associate of Arts degree with an emphasis in Elementary* Education prepares students to transfer as a junior to a four-year institution in Colorado in order to become an elementary teacher.  Students interested in majoring in education need to identify the four-year college/university to which they plan to transfer.  Each individual institution requires different curriculum electives for graduation. 
*There are no current statewide articulation agreements in secondary or K-12 education, but students can still effectively pursue these options.

Degree Prerequisites

Upon admittance to MCC, all students entering any one of the college’s degree programs or those entering ENG 1021, or any college-level math will be required to take the assessment/placement test. 

Alternatively, if taken with the last 5 years, documentation of assessment/placement test scores from another two-year Colorado college or ACT® scores of reading 17, English 18, and math 23 will meet the assessment requirement. 

Other Requirements
  • Minimum grade of "C" for each course
  • Minimum cumulative MCC GPA of 2.0 to graduate
  • Remedial/Developmental level courses do not apply.
  • 15 credits in this program must be taken at MCC

Elementary Teacher Education Background Check Policy 

A national criminal background check must be completed and passed for every Elementary Teacher Education student at Morgan Community College. In order to participate in the EDU program, the student will be required to complete and pass a background check through Castlebranch at and is responsible for the cost. Previous background and/or fingerprint checks completed for employment will not suffice; MCC has a separate requirement. The policy is implemented and monitored by the MCC Human Resources Department. If you are enrolling in an EDU online course, contact Instructional Office for direction on how to complete the background check process.  

The background check is valid for two years. The Vice President of Instruction or the Dean of General Education & Health Sciences can request additional background checks at any time and the student will be responsible for the additional cost. In some cases, additional background checks may be required by a practicum site. Should any required record indicate that a student is unable to work with children, he or she will not be eligible to complete EDU courses. In that event, the Dean of General Education or Student Services will work with the student to individualize an alternative education plan and career path. 

Course Requirements

To see the list of requirements and courses for each Colorado university that will accept this Transfer Degree, please visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Transfer Agreements section and download the latest agreement.