Associate of Science Degree Program

The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree includes courses traditionally taught during the first two years of a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program.

The A.S. is a two-year academic degree designed to transfer to a four-year degree program, limited to 60 credits. 

  • Associate of Science without designation is designed to transfer into math and science degree programs.
  • Associate of Science degree with a program designation (Degree with Designation) is designed to transfer into a specific four-year program aligned with a Statewide Articulation Agreement. 

The Associate of Science (AS) degree is a 2-year, 60-credit degree program for students who want to transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue four-year degree in natural science, math, computer science, engineering, or healthcare fields.  The AS degree also includes courses in communication, arts and humanities, and social sciences.  

As a transfer degree, the AS includes Guaranteed Transfer (GT) courses as well as elective classes.  Students who want to transfer to a specific four-year degree program, such as Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, should follow the program pathway for that specific AS degree.  This is known as ‘choosing a major.’ Students who do not choose a specific AS degree pathway will be awarded a general AS degree. The Associate of Science degree is a two-year degree featuring courses from a variety of science subject areas, as well as English, Arts, Math, and Social Science.  Students wishing to transfer to a four-year university should choose an AS degree with a specific concentration, such as Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, or Psychology.  An AS degree without a concentrated subject area may not transfer to a four-year university program, or it may require that additional courses be taken at the four-year level.  Speak to an advisor to declare your program.  

Degrees and Certificates