BTE - Business Technologies


BTE 1000: Computer Keyboarding

Credits 1.00
Designed for students who have minimal or no keyboarding skills. Introduces the touch method of keyboarding, as well as the basic operation and functions of the equipment. Emphasizes learning the alphanumeric keyboard, proper technique, and speed control.

BTE 1002: Keyboarding Applications I

Credits 2.00
Designed for students with minimal keyboarding skills. Introduces letters, tables, memos, and manuscripts. Emphasizes speed and accuracy.

BTE 1003: Keyboarding Applications II

Credits 3.00
Reinforces basic keyboarding formats and procedures. Productivity and decision-making skills are exercised. Emphasizes speed and accuracy.

BTE 1008: Ten-Key by Touch

Credits 1.00
Introduces touch control of the ten-key pad. Emphasizes the development of speed and accuracy using proper technique.

BTE 2025: Office Management

Credits 3.00
Emphasis is placed on functions of the office. Includes office organization, work in the office, office layout, equipment and supplies, procurement and control, workflow, forms design, record storage and retrieval systems, personnel administration and problems, and government control.