Incomplete Grade (I)

The "Incomplete" grade is a temporary grade and is designed for students, who because of documented illness or circumstances beyond their control, are unable to complete their course work within the semester but have completed a majority of the course work (defined as at least 75% of all course assignments and tests) in a satisfactory manner (grade "C" or better). If circumstances beyond the student's control prevent the student from completing a test or assignments at the end of the term, then it is the student's responsibility to initiate the request for an "Incomplete" grade from the instructor. The instructor will determine whether the student has a reasonable chance of satisfactorily completing the remaining course activities in a timely manner.  In requesting an "incomplete" grade, the student must present to the instructor the documentation of circumstances justifying an "Incomplete" grade. The instructor will fill out the "Incomplete Grade Contract" which outlines the remaining requirements, deadlines, and other arrangements made between the instructor and student to complete the coursework. The instructor and student both sign the contract, and the instructor submits the form to the Student Services Office. The instructor must then assign an Incomplete Grade on the regular grade roster in a timely fashion. 

Incomplete Grade Contract must include the following information: 

  1. Student Name (F, MI, L).
  2. Student ID#.
  3. Course Number and Section.
  4. Reason for assigning a grade of incomplete (statement of extenuating circumstances).
  5. Work to be completed for removal of incomplete grade (instructor should be very specific including the work to be done and how the final grade is to be calculated).
  6. What, when, and how assignments and tests will be submitted to complete the course.
  7. The time in which the work must be completed.
  8. Evidence of completion of 75% of the semester coursework.
  9. Instructor Signature and Date.
  10. Student Signature and Date; Students are encouraged to let instructors know, as soon as possible, if they are having difficulties with any part of the course. If a student and instructor cannot reach resolution concerning an Incomplete, then the student should contact the Instructional Officer of the college, Vice President of Instruction or Dean of Instruction. Military personnel and emergency management officials who are required to go TDY in the middle of a term should contact their instructor for special consideration. Documentation of official TDY assignment is required and must be approved by the Chief Instruction Officer.