JOU - Journalism


JOU 1005: Introduction to Mass Media: GT-SS3

Credits 3.00
Places the mass media in a technological, historical, and cultural perspective, considering the validity, integrity, and influence of the evolving media in a democracy.

JOU 1006: Media News and Reporting

Credits 3.00
Introduces news writing, reporting and interviewing with an emphasis on clarity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and fairness.

JOU 2025: New Media

Credits 3.00
Explores techniques and approaches in the latest delivery methods for new media journalism, ethics, technological advances, and media literacy.

JOU 2031: Introduction to Public Relations

Credits 4.00
Focuses on public relations and its role for the individual, the non-profit organization, business and government; research methodology, principles and practices necessary to become a public relations practitioner; and media channels best suited to a persuasive appeal or crisis.

JOU 2041: Feature and Magazine Writing

Credits 3.00
Studies trade, consumer and technical markets; manuscript development with emphasis on nonfiction; submission techniques; and trends affecting the marketing of manuscripts.