MAR - Marketing


MAR 1011: Principles of Sales

Credits 3.00
Addresses ethical sales techniques, the role of selling, and the marketing process. Areas of emphasis include behavioral considerations in the buying and selling process and sales techniques.

MAR 1055: Social Media for Businesses

Credits 3.00
Teaches students how to use social media as a business strategy and covers how to match that strategy with the goals of the business. This course addresses current trends, ethics, regulations, legal challenges, strategy, content development, and change management. This course helps students develop a better understanding of how marketing with social media is similar to and different from traditional marketing and how to best use online methods to further business goals.

MAR 1060: Customer Service

Credits 3.00
Enables students to learn the relationship of self to customers, problem solve and understand the importance of communicating with customers. Specific emphasis is given to managing customer expectations by building customer rapport and creating positive outcomes.

MAR 2016: Principles of Marketing

Credits 3.00
Presents the analysis of theoretical marketing processes and the strategies of product development, pricing, promotion and distribution, and their applications to businesses and the individual consumer.

MAR 2020: Principles of Advertising

Credits 3.00
Examines the principles and practices of advertising and its relationship to business in the promotion of a business or organization. Areas of major emphasis include advertising principles, strategies, media, copy, and ethical considerations.