Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration

Financial Aid Eligibility
Program approved for financial aid
Program Description

The Bachelors of Applied Science in Business Administration program is a path for students seeking to complete a 4-year degree in business. Students apply core business principles in accounting, finance, marketing, management, operations, and law. Some careers may require or prefer a Bachelor's degree. This program is designed for students who have completed an associate degree in business or equivalent and want to complete a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Business Administration Degree. Students apply concepts of the core business discipline with a concentration in Business Administration to implement principles of business ethics and law, marketing, finance, operations, and strategic management, and demonstrate responsive leadership skills to achieve sustainable business. Students integrate business tools to analyze and manage business practices to achieve positive organizational outcomes. This program is a continuation of preparation for entry into a variety of business fields and will prepare students to thrive in business fields such as management, analyst, finance, marketing, human resources, and other business positions. This program can be completed fully online with either full-time or part-time student academic plans. For students currently enrolled in either the associate applied science or associate degree for business programs, the program is flexible for adult learners allowing extended time to earn a degree. As some positions require bachelor’s level education, the BAS can increase eligibility for employment in business roles and organizational leadership.

This program will be offered starting in the Fall of 2025.

Program Prerequisites and Additional Requirements

A.A.S. in Business Administration or Related Field

Transfer courses previously completed in associates degree cannot be applied to remaining BAS 60 credit hours. The 60 course credits transferred in cannot be applied for credit in the remaining semesters of the Business Administration Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Degree shown below.


Important Program Notes:

  • Students must enroll in BUS 4081 OR BUS 4089 in the final semester.
  • You must complete a minimum of 120 credits to complete this degree.
  • If receiving financial aid, you should only take courses and credits as required for this degree. Check with your advisor to monitor your completion progress.

Fall Semester-First Year

Select One: ENG 1031-Technical Writing I:CO1, ENG 1021-English Composition I: CO1, ENG 1022- English Composition II: CO2, ENG 2001-English Composition III: CO3

Select One: ACC 1011-Intro to Financial Accounting OR FIN 2010-Principles of Finance

Course Prefix
Sub-Total Credits

Spring Semester-First Year

Select One: ECO 2001-Principles of Macroeconomics OR ECO 2002-Principles of Microeconomics OR ECO 1001- Economics of Social Issues

Course Prefix
Sub-Total Credits

Fall Semester-Second Year

Select One: COM 1250-Interpersonal Communication OR COM 2300- Intercultural Communication OR COM 2220- Group Communication OR COM 2250-Organizational Communication 

Course Prefix
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Spring Semester-Second Year

Select One: COM 1300-Communication & Popular Culture OR PHI 1013-Logic OR HUM 1015-World Mythology OR MUS 1023-Survey of World Music OR Any GT-AH4 courses

Select One: LIT 2005-Race, Ethnicity, & Culture OR ETH 2000- Intro to Ethnic Studies, HIS 2105-Women in U.S. History, HIS 2115-American Indian History, OR SOC 2018- Sociology of Diversity

Select One: BUS 4081-Intership OR BUS 4089-Capstone

Course Prefix
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits