Nursing-Advanced Placement Option

Degree Type
Associate of Applied Science
Award Name
Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (Advanced Placement Option LPN to RN Bridge Program)
Financial Aid Eligibility
Program approved for financial aid
Program Description

The Advanced Placement Option (LPN to ADN) allows a Licensed Practical Nurse (with unencumbered LPN license in good standing from Colorado) to complete the 3-credit transition course NUR 2002 and enter the second year of the Associate Degree Nursing Program. The program graduate receives an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree and is eligible to apply for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX- RN). 

Program Prerequisites and Additional Requirements

Acceptance Eligibility Requirements to the Advanced Placement Option (LPN to Professional Nurse) 

To apply to the Advanced Placement option, students must have graduated from an accredited PN program within the USA and hold a valid Colorado LPN License.  

Morgan Community College is using a competitive admission process for the Bridge Program (LPN to RN). Points are awarded based on course grades in BIO 2101, BIO 2102, and BIO 2116 coursework (first time completing course only, but a student repeating a BIO course that is over seven years can count as first time), GPA in LPN program, prior paid LPN work experience, completion of PN certificate at MCC, residence in the MCC service area and previous qualified application to the MCC Nursing Program.  

Once you have completed the required pre-requisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.5, you may apply to the nursing program 

The application period will begin on April 1st and end on May 15th of each year. Applications may be taken after May 15th until nursing program is at capacity. Number of available seats in the LPN to RN program can vary from year to year. 

The following will be discussed at the new nursing student orientation. Orientation date will be included in nursing acceptance letter that will be mailed to those accepted into the nursing program. 

  • Graduate of an accredited LPN program. 
  • Possess an unencumbered LPN license in good standing from Colorado 
  • Completion of required pre-requisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.5. 
  • Morgan Community College uses a competitive admission  process. Points are awarded based on Practical Nursing GPA, course grade in BIO 2101, BIO 2102, and BIO 2116 (first time  completing course only), prior paid work experience in as an  LPN, and residence in the MCC service area.  Additional  points can be earned for completion of PN certificate at MCC,  and for a previous qualified application to the MCC LPN to  ADN Program.  
    The number of students accepted can vary year to year. The application period opens April 1st and closes May 15th. 
    Applications may be considered after May 15th if the program  is not at capacity.  Application communication will be via  student email. Orientation dates will be included in provisional acceptance letters. At orientation, program policies, uniforms,  equipment, student badges, and supplies will be covered.  
  • Pass 10-panel drug screen.
    Although possession and use of marijuana is no longer a  crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of  marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with  federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the  Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or  possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited for  students seeking admission or enrolled in a health program at Morgan Community College. Therefore, a student with a drug  screen showing positive for use of marijuana is ineligible for  admission and/or continuance in the program.
  • Proof of compliance requirements are submitted through an online record tracking systems. Which includes, at a minimum: 
    • Proof of current immunizations, annual influenza vaccinations, and annual tuberculosis testing.
    • Valid American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR card. 
    • Driving record submission from the DMV.
    • Purchase of student malpractice and liability insurance through the MCC College Store. 
    • Proof of workers compensation form.
Other Requirements
  • Minimum grade of "C" for each course
  • Minimum cumulative MCC GPA of 2.0 to graduate
    (Remedial/Developmental level courses do not apply.)
  • 25% of the credits in this program must be taken at MCC

Course Requirements

Prerequisites for LPN to Professional Nurse

Course Prefix
Sub-Total Credits

Note: BIO 2101, BIO 2102, BIO 2116 (MUST have been taken within the last 7 years) 

Maintain GPA of 2.50 for all the above listed prerequisite courses, including LPN courses. 

Year 2 - ADN Program 

Semester 4 - Fall 

Course Prefix
Sub-Total Credits

Semester 5 - Spring 

Course Prefix
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits