Students may retake any course taken at MCC to improve their grade. After completing the repeated course, an automatic program will code the class as a "repeat course". The highest grade will be used in calculation of the GPA. Students should check with financial aid before repeating a course. Federal laws prohibit financial aid from paying for some repeat courses.
Repeat Course Limits
To increase retention and student success, the state system of community colleges has the following limits regarding repeated courses.
The Following Guidelines Apply to All Students Taking Courses:
- Student will be limited in the number of times that they can take the same course.
- Certain courses are exempted from the repeat course procedure.
- If a student has taken a course twice or more and attempts to register for the course an additional time, the student will not be able to register for other courses without needing an action plan or approval.
- If an advisor does not feel that the registration is warranted, the student may appeal.
- If a student has taken a course three times and wants to register for the course a fourth time, the student must appeal.
Repeated Courses and Financial Aid
Please check with financial aid before repeating a course. Federal laws prohibit financial aid from paying for some repeat courses. See the Financial Aid Section of the MCC Catalog for additional important information.
Repeated Courses on Academic Records/Transcripts and GPA
Each registration for the course and each grade received will be listed on the transcript. On the transcript, a notation will follow the course indicating that the course was repeated and designating whether the course will be included in the GPA. The highest grade will be used in the GPA calculation. If the same grade is earned two or more times for a repeated course, the most recent instance of the duplicate grade will be included in the term and cumulative GPA. All other duplicate grades will be excluded from the term and cumulative GPA.
Repeated Courses and COF
All credit hours earned for initial and repeated courses will be deducted from a student's remaining College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend eligible hours.
Repeated Courses and Application toward Certificates and Degrees
"Repeated" courses may be applied only one time to a certificate or degree, except for variable credit courses and designated courses that may be repeated for professional or personal development. Each institution will designate courses that may be "repeated" within program requirements.
Repeating Developmental Courses
Developmental courses are eligible to be repeated. All developmental courses will appear on the transcript. Individual colleges may choose to specify a limit for the number of times a developmental course may be repeated.
Repeated Courses and Degree Works
If the initial course received a grade that does not 'count' toward the student's program in the audit, the repeated course would not show in the audit until it is successfully completed and marked as a 'repeat course' at the end of the term. The advisor can make manual notations to the audit indicating a repeated course is being attempted.