Course Schedule

CRN: 21192
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2051 ECE Nutrition/Health/Safety 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 22162, Note: Weekend college class Students may attend remotely via Zoom only Class are on Saturdays on October 19th November 2nd November 16th and November 23rd
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2101 Working w/Families Communs 3.0 Oct 14 - Dec 6 S Weekend College
08:00AM - 11:45AM
Amen S Fort Morgan Campus Cedar Hall 103 Lecture
CRN: 21592, Note: Student may attend class remotely via Zoom Classes are on the last Monday of the month August 26th September 30th October 28th and November 25th
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2381 ECE Child Growth Development 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 6 M Hybrid
04:00PM - 08:00PM
Hochanadel J Fort Morgan Campus Cedar Hall 103 Lecture
CRN: 21058
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2621 Curriculum Methods/Techniques 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21193
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2621 Curriculum Methods/Techniques 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21194, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2641 Creativity and the Young Child 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21909, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECE 2661 Science/Math the Young Child 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21063, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECO 2001 Prin of Macroeconomics SS1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21197, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECO 2001 Prin of Macroeconomics SS1 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21746, Note: Student may attend class in person at the Fort Morgan campus or remotely via Zoom
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECO 2001 Prin of Macroeconomics SS1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 6 TR HyFlex
05:00PM - 06:30PM
Babcock M Fort Morgan Campus Spruce 318 Lecture
CRN: 21064, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECO 2002 Prin of Microeconomics SS1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21198, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ECO 2002 Prin of Microeconomics SS1 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21595
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2088 Practicum II 0.0 Sep 23 - Dec 6 TBD Classroom Based
Schneider T Practicum
CRN: 21974, Note: This is a Weekend College offering Student must sign in to D2L on August 19th Class will meet On Saturdays starting on August 24 September 7 September 21 and October 5 Students may attend class remotely via zoom only
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2211 Introduction to Education 3.0 Aug 19 - Oct 6 S Weekend College
09:00AM - 12:05PM
Schneider T Fort Morgan Campus Cedar Hall 105 Lecture
CRN: 21910, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2211 Introduction to Education 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21065, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2211 Introduction to Education 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 22187, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2341 Multicultural Education 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21975, Note: This is a Weekend College offering Student must sign in to D2L on October 14 Class will meet On Saturdays starting on October 19 November 2 November 16 and November 23 Students may attend class remotely via zoom only
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2611 Teaching Learning Technology 3.0 Oct 14 - Dec 6 S Weekend College
09:00AM - 12:05PM
Schneider T Fort Morgan Campus Cedar Hall 105 Lecture
CRN: 21775, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EDU 2611 Teaching Learning Technology 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21438, Note: Student may attend class in person at the Fort Morgan campus or remotely via Zoom
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
EIC 1103 Electrical Safety Requirements 1.0 Aug 19 - Sep 20 TR HyFlex
08:00AM - 09:30AM
OClair G Fort Morgan Campus Spruce 317 Lecture