BUS - Business


BUS 1002: Entrepreneurial Operations

Credits 3.00
Explores the essential requirements for starting and operating a business. This course covers basic concepts of business law, marketing, finance and operations. It guides the development of an effective business plan and prepares students to launch and sustain their own businesses.

BUS 1015: Introduction to Business

Credits 3.00
Introduces the application of fundamental business principles to local, national, and international forums. This course examines the relationship of economic systems, governance, regulations, and law upon business operations. It surveys the concepts of career development, business ownership, finance and accounting, economics, marketing, management, operations, human resources, regulations, and business ethics.

BUS 1016: Personal Finance

Credits 3.00
Surveys the basic personal finance needs of most individuals and introduces the personal finance tools useful in planning and instituting a successful personal financial philosophy. The course emphasizes the basics of budgeting, buying, saving, borrowing, career planning, investing, retirement planning, estate planning, insurance, and income taxes.

BUS 1020: Introduction to E-Commerce

Credits 3.00
Provides an introduction to electronic commerce and the business trends in the dynamic e-commerce environment. This course covers the definition of e-commerce, technology and software requirements, security issues, electronic payment and marketing strategies. This course focuses on what to expect in business-to consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce markets when creating an e-business.

BUS 1087: Cooperative Education/Internship

Credits 1.00 6.00
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement course work with practical work experience related to their educational program and occupational objectives. Students are placed at approved workstations related to their program of study. They work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor/coordinator.

BUS 2016: Legal Environment of Business

Credits 3.00
Emphasizes public law, regulation of business, ethical considerations, and various relationships existing within society, government, and business. Specific attention is given to economic regulation, social regulation, labor-management issues, environmental issues, and contract fundamentals. This course analyzes the role of law in social, political, and economic change business environments.

BUS 2017: Business Communications

Credits 3.00
Emphasizes effective business writing and covers letters, memoranda, reports, application letters, and resumes. Includes the fundamentals of business communication and an introduction to international communication.

BUS 2026: Business Statistics

Credits 3.00
Focuses on statistical study, sampling, organizing and visualizing data, descriptive statistics, probability, bi-nominal distributions, normal distributions, confidence intervals, linear regression, and correlation. Intended for business majors.

BUS 2089: Capstone

Credits 3.00
Demonstrates the culmination of learning within a given program of study.

Integrates and contextualizes reading and writing strategies tailored to a co-requisite 100-level course within one or more of the four discipline strands. The four discipline strands are defined as: Communications, Science, Social Science, and Arts and Humanities. Non-GT courses are not eligible for this consideration.