CNG - Computer Networking


CNG 1001: Networking Fundamentals

Credits 3.00
Introduces network fundamentals using the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) suite, fundamentals of Ethernet, IP addressing, and building simple LANs (Local Area Networks).

CNG 1002: Local Area Networks

Credits 3.00
Introduces Local Area Networking. Focuses on discussions and demonstrations of planning, installing, and supporting networks.

CNG 1004: Intro to TCP/IP

Credits 3.00
Covers the basic elements of the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol, the basic technologies that implement the Internet and computer networking. In addition to TCP and IP the course covers networking media, link layer, network layer, and transport layer protocols. Also included are routing, broadcast, multicast, and network address translation. IP version 4 and IP version 6 are both covered.

CNG 1021: Computer Technician 1: A+

Credits 4.00
Provides students with an in-depth look at personal computer hardware, introduces networking concepts, and covers operational procedures and troubleshooting, all of which are necessary for a successful entry-level computer service technician position. Provides extensive hands-on work with computer systems, PC setup and configuration, and basic maintenance and troubleshooting. This course helps prepare you for the first CompTIA A+ Exam.

CNG 1022: Computer Technician II: A+

Credits 4.00
Provides students with an in-depth look at desktop and mobile Operating System support, maintenance, and troubleshooting, and an overview of security concepts, and interpersonal skills, all of which are necessary for a successful entry-level computer service technician position. Provides extensive hands-on work with current operating systems, including using common GUI and command line tools, registry editing, system backup and recovery, and advanced troubleshooting. This course helps prepare you for the second CompTIA A+ Exam.

CNG 1032: Network Security Fundamentals

Credits 3.00
Delivers a comprehensive overview of network security, including general security concepts. Communication Security is studied, including remote access, e-mail, the Web, directory and file transfer, and wireless data. Common network attacks are introduced. Cryptography basics are incorporated, and operational/organizational security is discussed as it relates to physical security, disaster recovery, and business continuity. Computer forensics is introduced.

CNG 1042: Intro to Cloud Computing

Credits 3.00
Introduces fundamental content on cloud computing including system analysis, requirements, configuration, deployment, and testing. This course includes information on management, business continuity, security, maintenance, updating, and troubleshooting as related to cloud computing.

CNG 2001: Linus Configuration: (OS)

Credits 3.00
Install a Linux operating system (OS). Configure and manage OS using command line interface (CLI) and text editor. Topics include installation and configuration of updates, services, file system, users and groups, file and folder permissions, networking, and remote access.

CNG 2011: Windows Configuration: (OS)

Credits 3.00
Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the implementation and desktop support needs of customers who are planning to deploy and support Microsoft Windows Client OS in a variety of network operating system environments.