EDU - Education


EDU 1088: Practicum I in Education

Credits 1.00
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the education facility and with the direct guidance of the instructor.

EDU 1311: Introduction to Adult Education

Credits 3.00
Provides an introduction to adult education with an emphasis on providing instruction to adult learners developing their ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English and learners with skills below 12th grade equivalency. Key areas include adult education theories, principles, methods and techniques; adult education legislation, initiatives and movements; adult basic education services and service providers; understanding the adult learner; metacognition; the instructional environment; and professional development for adult educators.

EDU 1321: Planning, Organizing and Delivering Adult Education Instruction

Credits 3.00
Provides an introduction to planning and delivering instruction to adult learners with an emphasis on developing the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers and improving the skills of learners whose skills are below 12th grade equivalency. Key areas include identification of learners' skills, needs and goals; the use of information about learners to plan instruction and assessment; the development of learner independence; the creation of an instructional environment that supports and engages adult learners.

EDU 1331: Adult Basic Education (ABE)/Adult Secondary Education (ASE)

Credits 3.00
Provides an introduction to providing literacy and numeracy skills instruction to adult learners functioning below 12th grade equivalency. Key areas include understanding the Adult Basic Education and Adult Secondary Education learner and the literacy and numeracy skills needed to complete each Educational Functioning Level; preparing written instructional plans; delivering level appropriate instruction using techniques and resources appropriate for ABE and ASE learners; using technology; and preparing learners to transition to postsecondary education and careers.

EDU 1341: Teaching English as a Second Language to Adult Learners

Credits 3.00
Provides an introduction to providing instruction to adults who are developing English language proficiency. Key areas include understanding the adult ESL learner, the language acquisition process and the language skills needed to complete each Education Functioning Level (EFL); preparing written instructional plans; delivering level appropriate instruction using techniques and resources appropriate for adult language learners; using technology; and preparing adult ESL learners to transition to postsecondary education and careers.

EDU 1351: Family Literacy in Adult Education

Credits 3.00
Introduces the students to the philosophy and theory behind family literacy, as well as give practical advice on the development and implementation of a family literacy program. The four-component model of adult education, early childhood education, parent and child together time (PACT), and parenting will be covered, both in theory and practical application.

EDU 1401: The Paraprofessional Educator Role

Credits 2.00
Focuses on the knowledge and skills needed by a Paraprofessional Educator in the P-12 schools. This course includes knowledge of the American educational system, an understanding of the responsibilities and legalities associated with the Paraprofessional Educator role, professionalism in the education system, and skills in assisting teachers to enhance learning.

EDU 2088: Practicum II

Credits 0.00
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the education facility and with the direct guidance of the instructor.

EDU 2211: Introduction to Education

Credits 3.00
Focuses on the historical, social, political, philosophical, cultural and economic forces that shape the United States public school system. Includes current issues of educational reform, technology as it relates to education and considerations related to becoming a teacher in the state of Colorado. Special interest will be paid to the topic of diversity in the K-12 school system.

EDU 2221: Effective Teaching

Credits 1.00
Focuses on strategies for becoming an effective teacher. Topics include course goals and objectives, the first day, planning a lesson, higher levels of thought, test design and grading, assessment, and teaching and learning styles.

EDU 2331: English Language Learners

Credits 3.00
Focuses on all aspects in the role of working with and teaching English Language Learners (ELL). This course introduces language acquisition, pedagogy, and culture. Additional topics include the examination of historical, legal, and political issues related to educational programs for non-and limited-English speaking students, and associated resources for teaching ELL students.

EDU 2341: Multicultural Education

Credits 3.00
Explores racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic groups to gain an understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion in communities and education. This course provides opportunities to contextualize multicultural perspectives in society and their impact on the education system.

EDU 2401: Teaching the Exceptional Learner

Credits 3.00
Focuses on the individual differences and modifications that are necessary in the educational practices of the exceptional learner. Incorporates an additional 10-hour 0-credit, pre-professional, supervised, field-based experience. Together with this experience, a portfolio and field experience reflective journal are required of all students.

EDU 2501: CTE in Colorado

Credits 1.00
Explores common elements of Career and Technical Education philosophy and current practices. It details the philosophy of Career and Technical Education (CTE), the federal Carl D. Perkins legislation and related guidelines for CTE, the Colorado Technical Act, national and state regulatory agencies, the CCCS program approval process, enrollment management and advising strategies, relevant local and national issues, and quality assurance principles.

EDU 2611: Teaching, Learning and Technology

Credits 3.00
Prepares students to integrate technology into their teaching curriculum. Enables the student to design educational and training materials incorporating instructional technology. Explores a variety of technologies, including the computer, Internet, multimedia, graphics, audio, and text with an emphasis on increasing learning through their use. Examines combining technology with a variety of instructional methodologies.