ELT - Electronics


ELT 1206: Fundaments of DC/AC

Credits 4.00
Introduces the basic skills needed for many careers in electronics and related fields. Covers the operations and applications of basic DC and AC circuits consisting of resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers and diodes. Emphasizes the use of common test instruments in troubleshooting.

ELT 1247: Digital Devices I

Credits 4.00
Introduces the operation and application of gates, flip-flops, counters, shift registers, encoders-decoders and LED displays. Covers binary numbers, Boolean algebra and troubleshooting.

ELT 1248: Digital Devices II

Credits 3.00
Continues ELT 1247 with emphasis on the operation and application of programmable logic devices, synchronous counters, multiplexers, liquid crystal displays, ROM and RAM. Includes specifications of ICs, display multiplexing, and design and minimization of circuits. Troubleshooting is emphasized.

ELT 2080: Internship

Credits 3.00
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor.

ELT 2252: Motors & Controls

Credits 3.00

Enables the student to study, construct, test, and evaluate basic industrial control systems, including AC/DC motors, stepper motors, power sources, generators, tachometers, line diagrams and logic functions. Covers safety standards and preventive maintenance. 68 contact hours.

ELT 2358: Programmable Logic Controllers

Credits 3.00
Covers the fundamentals of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) as they are applied in robotics and automation. Includes history, terminology, typical applications, hardware, and software. Incorporates lab and project activities that address operating, monitoring, programming, troubleshooting, and repairing PLC controlled lab trainers as well as actual industrial equipment.

ELT 2367: Introduction to Robotics

Credits 1.00
Introduces basic robotics. Enables the student to program a robot in a higher-level language to perform various tasks. Covers building and interfacing of sensor circuits.

ELT 2368: Robotic Technologies

Credits 3.00
Introduces industrial robotics as well as a survey of the technologies and equipment used in manufacturing automation and process control. Includes axis configurations, work envelopes, programming, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Incorporates a survey of automation topics including history, computer and hardwired controls, sensors and transducers, motors and actuators, fluid power, etc. and provides a preview of the other ELT classes that cover those subjects.