Associate of Arts Degree Program (Transfer or DWD)

The Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree program is a two-year academic degree (limited to 60 credits) designed to transfer to 4-year institutions. It generally equates to the first two years of a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. Depending on their educational goals, students choose from:

  1. An Associate of Arts without designation is designed to transfer into liberal arts programs and requires courses from specific requirement categories.
  2. An Associate of Arts degree with a program designation (Degree with Designation or DwD) is for transfer into a specific Colorado four-year program aligned with a Statewide Articulation Agreement. See the list of Designations offered at MCC at the end of this section.

Students pursuing degrees with designation should consult with their MCC advisors regularly and follow the program layout for their designation and effective catalog with guidance from their intended Colorado public 4-year public transfer institution based on their intended transfer degree.

MCC offers the following Associate of Arts (A.A). Degrees with Designation Transfer Agreements. Click on the following link, to connect with the latest Transfer Agreements, which will enable you to see the full agreement along with other requirements, guarantees and conditions.

Business (Approved:1/7/11; Effective: April 2011; Revised March 2023)

Criminal Justice (Approved: 1/22/13; Effective: Spring 2013; Revised August 2022)

Economics (Approved: 1/7/11; Effective: April 2011; Revised August 2022)

Early Childhood Teacher Education (Approved: 8/7/15; Effective: Fall 2015; Revised August 2022)

Elementary Teacher Education (Approved: 8/7/15; Effective: Fall 2015; Revised March 2023)

English (Approved: 12/4/14; Effective: Spring 2015; Revised August 2022)

History (Approved: 4/1/2011; Effective: Fall 2011; Revised August 2022)

Philosophy (Approved: 9/4/2014; Effective: Fall 2014; Revised March 2023)

Political Science (Approved: 3/2/2012; Effective: Fall 2012; Revised March 2023)

Psychology-AA/BA (Approved: 4/1/2011; Effective: Fall 2011; Revised January 2023)

Sociology (Approved: 3/2/12; Effective: Fall 2012; Revised August 2022)

Degrees and Certificates