Course Schedule

CRN: 22261, Note: This class is TUITION FREE
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ANT 1208 Archof World Rock ArtSS3 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 6 MW Express Class
05:30PM - 06:45PM
Escamilla M Fort Morgan Campus Cottonwood 100 Lecture
CRN: 21011, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ANT 2125 Anth of Religion SS3 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21833, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1002 Visual Concepts 2D Design 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21012
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1110 Art Appreciation AH1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21834, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1110 Art Appreciation AH1 3.0 Aug 19 - Oct 6 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21835, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1110 Art Appreciation AH1 3.0 Oct 14 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21166
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1110 Art Appreciation AH1 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21922
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1110 Art Appreciation AH1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Backman K Online Lecture
CRN: 21923
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1110 Art Appreciation AH1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Coito D Online Lecture
CRN: 21836, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1111 Art Hist Ancient/ Mediev AH1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21837, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1111 Art Hist Ancient/ Mediev AH1 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21839, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1112 Art Hist Renaiss/1900 AH1 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21838, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1112 Art Hist Renaiss/1900 AH1 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21840, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1201 Drawing I 3.0 Aug 19 - Dec 8 TBD Online
Online Lecture
CRN: 21841, Note: This course is offered through the new statewide Colorado Online Consortium which serves the entire Colorado Community College System Students from all 13 CCCS colleges can enroll in this course so please do not let a low enrollment number deter you from enrolling The number of enrollments shown on this page are ONLY students enrolled from your home college and will be combined with students from other colleges to form individual sections taught by an instructor from one of our colleges The required course materials are listed online at https//atcccsedu/coursematerials/
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ART 1201 Drawing I 3.0 Sep 23 - Dec 8 TBD Express Class
Online Lecture
CRN: 21388
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ASE 1002 Intro to the Automotive Shop 2.0 Aug 19 - Sep 27 MTWRF Classroom Based
07:30AM - 08:00AM
Parker W Fort Morgan Campus Elm 400B Lecture/Lab
ASE 1002 Intro to the Automotive Shop 2.0 Aug 19 - Sep 27 MTWRF Classroom Based
08:01AM - 08:55AM
Parker W Fort Morgan Campus Elm 407 Lecture/Lab
CRN: 21389
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ASE 1020 Basic Auto Electricity 2.0 Aug 19 - Sep 4 MTWRF Classroom Based
12:25PM - 01:40PM
Parker W Fort Morgan Campus Elm 400B Lecture/Lab
ASE 1020 Basic Auto Electricity 2.0 Aug 19 - Sep 4 MTWRF Classroom Based
01:41PM - 03:38PM
Parker W Fort Morgan Campus Elm 407 Lecture/Lab
CRN: 21390
Course Course Title Cr. Dates Days Times Instructor Location Class Type
ASE 1022 Auto Elec Safety Systems 1.0 Sep 30 - Oct 18 MTWRF Classroom Based
07:30AM - 08:00AM
Parker W Fort Morgan Campus Elm 400B Lecture/Lab