ECE - Early Childhood Education


ECE 1011: Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Credits 3.00
Provides an introduction to the profession of Early Childhood Education (ECE). Course content includes eight key areas of professional knowledge related to working with young children and their families in early care and education settings: child growth and development; health, nutrition, and safety; developmentally appropriate practices; guidance; family and community relationships; diversity and inclusion; professionalism; and administration and supervision. This course addresses children’s ages birth through 8 years.

ECE 1031: Guidance Strategies for Children

Credits 3.00
Explores guidance theories, applications, goals, and techniques, as well as factors that influence behavioral expectations of children. This course includes classroom management and pro-social skills development of young children in early childhood (EC) program settings. This course addresses children’s ages birth through 8 years.

ECE 1045: Introduction to Early Childhood Lab Techniques

Credits 3.00
Focuses on a classroom seminar and placement in a childcare setting. The supervised placement provides the student with the opportunity to observe children, to practice appropriate interactions, and to develop effective guidance and management techniques. Addresses birth through age 8.

ECE 1088: Practicum: Early Childhood Education

Credits 1.00
Provides students with field experience in early childhood programs. Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at an early childhood center and with the direct guidance of the instructor.

ECE 1111: Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice

Credits 3.00
Presents an overview of theories, applications (including observations) and issues pertinent to infant and toddler development in group and\or family settings. Includes state requirements for licensing, health, safety and nutrition issues.

ECE 1125: Introduction to Infant\Toddler Lab Techniques

Credits 3.00
Includes a classroom seminar and placement in an infant and\or toddler setting. The supervised placement provides the student with the opportunity to observe, to practice appropriate interactions and to develop effective guidance and nurturing techniques with infants and\or toddlers. Addresses ages prenatal through age 2.

ECE 1201: Introduction to Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers

Credits 4.00
Provides an introduction to early intervention (EI) for infants and toddlers and includes four key topics: orientation of early intervention, fundamentals of individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), early intervention teamwork, and working with families of infants and toddlers.

ECE 1211: Promoting Infant/Toddler Development in Natural Environments

Credits 3.00
Emphasizes issues and strategies when working with infants and toddlers and their families in group and/or family settings. The course includes three key topics: supporting infants' and toddlers' social and emotional development, instructional strategies used in early intervention programs to support learning, and early oral language development.

ECE 1231: Critical Topics in Early Intervention

Credits 3.00
Introduces three critical topics: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in early intervention, instructional and assistive technology in early intervention and transition of infants and toddlers at age three.

ECE 1241: Professional Growth and Development: Theory and Practice (w/lab)

Credits 4.00
Focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of personal and professional growth and development of the Developmental Intervention (DI) assistant needed to work in early intervention settings. The course includes interpersonal skills to work in teams and support personal growth, as well as field experience in early intervention settings with infants and toddlers with disabilities. Students work under the supervision of experienced and licensed early intervention providers with direct guidance of the instructor.

ECE 1261: Art and the Young Child

Credits 2.00
Prepares students to plan and implement a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate art program for young children. Investigates the development of self-taught art techniques in young children.

ECE 1271: Music/Movement for Children

Credits 1.00
Focuses on the purposes of incorporating music and movement into the early childhood curriculum. Through active participation with hands-on experiences, students work with the concepts of age and developmental appropriateness when designing fun activities with both subjects.

ECE 2051: Nutrition, Health, and Safety

Credits 3.00
Focuses on nutrition, health, and safety as key factors for optimal growth and development of young children. This course includes nutrition knowledge, menu planning, food program participation, health practices, management and safety, appropriate activities, and communication with families for early childhood educators. This course addresses children’s ages from birth to twelve years.

ECE 2101: Working with Parents, Families, and Community Systems

Credits 3.00
Examines professional attitudes related to working with diverse families and how unconscious bias may affect family-professional partnerships in early care and education settings. This course covers theoretical perspectives of families and communities, communication strategies, and an exploration of activities and resources to support family engagement in their children’s education. Supporting equity and inclusion of all family cultures in early care and education settings for children ages birth through eight.

ECE 2381: Child Growth and Development

Credits 3.00
Covers the growth and development of the child from conception through the elementary school years. This course emphasizes physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains of development as they pertain to the concept of the whole child. It also includes ways adults can provide a supportive early childhood care and educational environment through teamwork and collaboration.

ECE 2401: Administration of Early Childhood Care and Education Programs

Credits 3.00
Provides foundational knowledge in early childhood program business operations, program development, and evaluation. This course covers administrative skills, ethical decision making, risk and resource management, and components of quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs serving children ages from birth to twelve years.

ECE 2601: Exceptional Child

Credits 3.00
Presents an overview of critical elements related to educating young children with disabilities or special needs in the early childhood setting. Topics include typical and atypical development; legal requirements; research-based practices related to inclusion; teaming and collaboration; and accommodations and adaptations. This course examines how a disability or special need may impact a young child’s learning process. This course addresses children ages from birth to eight years.

ECE 2621: Curriculum Development: Methods and Techniques

Credits 3.00
Provides an overview of early childhood curriculum development. This course includes processes for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate environments, materials, and experiences that represent best practices in early childhood (EC) program settings. This course addresses children ages from birth to eight years.

ECE 2631: Language and Cognition for the Young Child

Credits 3.00
Examines theories of cognitive and language development as a framework for conceptualizing the way children acquire thinking skills. Includes observing, planning, facilitating, creative representation, and evaluating strategies within the context of play. Focuses on language, science, math, problem solving and logical thinking. Addresses ages birth through age 8.

ECE 2641: Creativity and the Young Child

Credits 3.00
Provides an emphasis on encouraging and supporting creative self-expression and problem-solving skills in children. Explores creative learning theories and research. Focuses on developmentally appropriate curriculum strategies in all developmental domains. Addresses age birth through age 8.

ECE 2661: Science/Math and the Young Child

Credits 3.00
Examines theories of cognitive development as a framework for conceptualizing the way young children acquire scientific and mathematical skills, concepts, and abilities. Enables students to research and develop appropriate individual and group scientific/mathematical activities for young children.