ABM - Agriculture Business Management


ABM 1003: Records and Business Planning I

Credits 3.00
Examines the options available to set up a computerized record keeping system for an agricultural business. Focus is on the selection of a computer software package for the agricultural business. Computer terminology associated with a computerized record keeping system and importance of business planning will be discussed.

ABM 1004: Records and Business Planning II

Credits 3.00
Identifies the proper setup and implementation of accounting software for an agricultural business. A chart of accounts and beginning balance sheet will be created for a computerized record keeping system. Data entry methods for the accounting software and identification of business plan components specific to student needs will also be discussed.

ABM 1007: Records and Business Planning V

Credits 3.00
Examines how to create financial business reports from an accounting system for an agricultural business and utilize decision aid tools pertinent to the student's need.

ABM 1013: Financial Analysis I

Credits 3.00
Examines the purpose of enterprise analysis. Identification of accounting data used in enterprise analysis, enterprise features of an accounting system, and the need for additional enterprise software will be addressed.

ABM 1014: Financial Analysis II

Credits 3.00
Examines breakeven figures for business enterprises. This course will cover the calculation process for determining production figures for enterprises as well as refining an established accounting system to generate enterprise data accurately.

ABM 1015: Financial Analysis III

Credits 3.00
Develop cash flow and enterprise budgets. Student will learn cash flow concepts and the relationship to enterprise budgets. Use of data from an accounting system as well as other decision aid tools will be used in the cash flow and enterprise budget development.

ABM 1016: Financial Analysis IV

Credits 3.00
Develop a cost and market value accrual balance sheet. This course focuses on the development of cost and marketing value balance sheets. Accrual features of an established accounting system will be analyzed in determining data that can be generated and utilized in the development of this financial statement.

ABM 1017: Financial Analysis V

Credits 3.00
Develop an accrual income statement. This course will focus on the development of an accrual income statement and examine this financial statement relevancy. Data from an established accounting system to use in the development will be identified.

ABM 1018: Financial Analysis VI

Credits 3.00
Determine financial health of a business with the use of industry financial ratios. This course focuses on industry ratios used in determining the financial health of a business. Types of ratios as well as their calculations will be discussed. Comparisons of financial statements from an accounting system will be utilized.

ABM 1023: Commodity Marketing I

Credits 3.00
Determine marketing strategies for agriculture commodities. Discussion will include identifying marketing information sources and defining marketing terminology. The students will also examine ways they can use current and forward marketing strategies in their operation. Course will also focus on enterprise identification and refinement of software enterprise features for production data.

ABM 1024: Commodity Marketing II

Credits 3.00
Identify the function of basis in market price discovery, how to calculate margin account futures activity, and how to utilize option contracts in mitigating market risks. Investigation of software applications to further the calculations for production costs will be addressed.

ABM 1026: Commodity Marketing IV

Credits 3.00
Analyzes price behavior using both technical and fundamental analysis. A marketing plan will be developed using calculated production costs and marketing strategies.

ABM 1027: Commodity Marketing V

Credits 3.00
Covers evaluations and revisions of a marketing plan using actual production costs, local marketing alternatives, futures and option contracts, and technical analysis. Utilization of the plan will be determined.

ABM 1028: Commodity Marketing VI

Credits 3.00
Covers evaluation and refining of cost of production for all enterprises to select marketing strategies. Utilize these calculations in developing and implementing a production data base.

ABM 1063: Marketing Plan Development I

Credits 3.00
Covers the use of marketing research to analyze the initial steps in developing a marketing plan. The focus will be on product and service component of the market plan. Data trends for products and services from an accounting system will be utilized in the analysis process.

ABM 1065: Marketing Plan Development III

Credits 3.00
Develops a pricing strategy for a marketing plan. Development of a pricing strategy will include price/qualify relationships, sales methods, and ways to add value to products/services. Data from an inventory system as well as sales and expenses for products/services will be addressed.

ABM 1066: Marketing Plan Development IV

Credits 3.00
Develops a promotional strategy for a marketing plan. Development will include examining the business image, use of technology and media. Promotional costs will be addressed.

ABM 1067: Marketing Plan Development V

Credits 3.00
Interprets data needed for all components in a marketing plan. Identification of data collected for sections of the marketing plan will be analyzed. The need for additional decision aid tools will be examined. A historical trend analysis for sales and expenses for use in the marketing plan will be developed.

ABM 1068: Marketing Plan Development VI

Credits 3.00
Designs a marketing plan for the business. Overall marketing plan will be written with focus on how the plan differentiates from others. Cash flow ability will determine feasibility of the plan.

ABM 2004: Web Productivity/Utilization II

Credits 3.00
Identifies common terminology and minimum technical requirements for internet use. Focuses on common technology terms to broaden knowledge of the internet and to add credibility to one's use of technology. Addresses identification of the business' equipment for internet use. Emphasizes understanding and utilizing the tools available and the technical capabilities of the present business.

ABM 2006: Web Productivity/Utilization IV

Credits 3.00
Evaluates the effectiveness of the business' communication component of a web use plan. Emphasis on improved utilization of the internet for communication to customers, vendors, financial institutions and other professionals.

ABM 2007: Web Productivity/Utilization V

Credits 3.00
Evaluate the effectiveness of the search component of a web use plan. Emphasis will be placed on improved utilization of searching the internet for information pertinent to the business.

ABM 2008: Web Productivity/Utilization VI

Credits 3.00
Evaluate the need for web presence as a component in the web use plan. Focus will be on the refinement of all web use components and implementation of the agribusiness web use plan relating to business operations.

ABM 2013: Advanced Business Management I

Credits 3.00
Interprets in-depth financial analysis processed for the business. This will include advanced financial analysis terminology and financial statements.

ABM 2014: Advanced Business Management II

Credits 3.00
Analyzes existing financial trends and emphasis of pro forma EDUactivities for further analysis of the business. Utilization of accurate accrual records and historical data will provide the basis of the pro forma statement development as it currently operates.

ABM 2015: Advanced Business Management III

Credits 3.00
Identifies and examines alternative enterprise(s) for the business. This will include measuring the business performance past and present and assessing business goals.

ABM 2016: Advanced Business Management IV

Credits 3.00
Evaluates and assesses revisions to the business plan. This will include a process for periodic review with a focus on strengthening of management skills.

ABM 2017: Advanced Business Management V

Credits 3.00
Identifies critical areas in the business and sources of business risk. Various methods of researching resource materials to keep business plan current will be addressed as well as identifying alternatives to minimize future risks.

ABM 2024: Integrated Management II

Credits 3.00
Examines technological techniques currently available and the importance of risk management in the integrated management plan.

ABM 2025: Integrated Management III

Credits 3.00
Evaluates data and software currently used as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the business risk management plan as it relates to technology integration.

ABM 2026: Integrated Management IV

Credits 3.00
Analyze current use of technology and identify what change(s) should be addressed to have improved information and data for the agricultural business.

ABM 2027: Integrated Management V

Credits 3.00
Creates a preliminary data and software management plan incorporating new or improved technology integration methods that have been identified.

ABM 2028: Integrated Management VI

Credits 3.00
Develops an implementation plan for integrated management that addresses software, data, risk reduction and financial impact.

ABM 2033: Profit Maximization I

Credits 3.00
Lists the major business organizational structures available to agribusiness operations and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each. Document the risk management and financial responsibilities of each. .

ABM 2034: Profit Maximization II

Credits 3.00
Develops an understanding of basis agricultural business taxes and their preparation. Special emphasis will be placed on alternative rules for depreciating farm property. The student will also document the income tax implications of alternative business organizational structure.

ABM 2035: Profit Maximization III

Credits 3.00
Compares the relationship between input levels and the corresponding output. Demonstrate how to calculate the production response from alternative levels of input allocation within an enterprise and among alternative enterprises.

ABM 2037: Profit Maximization V

Credits 3.00
Analyzes production costs and revenue from an economic standpoint. Identifies the production level that allows profits to be maximized. .

ABM 2038: Profit Maximization VI

Credits 3.00
Examines the concepts that determines how market prices are established in a purely competitive agriculture environment.

ABM 2044: Rural Business Entrepreneurship II

Credits 3.00
Develops a customer analysis component for a new venture business plan and analyzes the product/service component. Focuses on customer analysis component including targeting customers and customer profiles. Customer wants and needs will be listed and compared with the product/service component.

ABM 2045: Rural Business Entrepreneurship III

Credits 3.00
Identifies target markets and develops a competition analysis for a new business venture. Focuses identifying target markets and the potential as well as the development of the competition analysis component of the new venture business plan.

ABM 2048: Rural Business Entrepreneurship VI

Credits 3.00
Identifies startup costs and develop a cash flow for a new business venture. Focuses on the development of a cash flow and evaluation of financial statements. Financial statement evaluation will point to financing needs and identification of business venture risks.

ABM 2054: Leadership Human Resource Management II

Credits 3.00
Identifies concepts associated with functional teams and examine stress management concepts in a business environment. Focuses on concepts relating to leadership management, characteristics of functional teams and stress management.

ABM 2057: Leadership Human Resource Management V

Credits 3.00
Develops a stress management reduction plan. This course includes analyzing stressful situations, effective ways to deal with stress, and the development of a stress reduction plan and techniques.